雅思口语技巧:自我介绍和面试|IELTS Speaking Tips:Introduction & Interview


这是关于雅思考试的三篇文章的第一篇. 您可以在这里找到雅思考试第1部分: 面试的技巧. 请注意有关”演讲”部分的第2部分和第3部分的更多帖子. 首先, 在思考雅思考试时, 需要考虑一些基本事项.

  • 尽可能多说话 - 您有12分钟的时间来证明自己的口语水平.
  • 不要预先了解您的答案 - 排练这些声音后, 考官会注意到这一点, 然后转到另一个主题.
  • 避免是/否答案 - 始终包括详细信息以填写您的答案.
  • 如果您犯了一个错误, 请改正自己 - 这是母语使用者所做的, 并且不会因此而受到损失.
  • 确保您的语调不平坦 - 说英语的人会在语调上有旋律.如果您的说话方式听起来平淡, 那您会觉得无聊-考官可能会认为您不感兴趣或不在乎!


时间:大约4分钟可能的主题:”结识您”, 家人, 您来自何处以及兴趣


  • 你来自哪里?
    最初, 我来自西班牙南部一个叫Benalup的小村庄.那里的大多数人在周围的农场或建筑业工作, 并且有良好的社区意识-每个人都认识其他人.但是, 无论如何, 现在我住在加的斯, 这是最近的大城市.我之所以住在这里, 是因为我正在大学学习法学, 这很完美, 因为它离家足够远, 而且如果我想吃顿饭或洗衣服, 也要离家很近!

  • 您喜欢在业余时间做什么?
    我不会说我有任何特定的爱好, 但是我喜欢结识朋友, 并且闲聊Uni的活动.我们通常在演讲后出去喝咖啡或吃点小东西, 但在周末, 我们在某人的公寓聚会, 准备出去, 然后整夜整夜喝酒跳舞等等.一直待到太阳升起, 然后一起去吃热油条吃早餐, 真的很棒.

  • 为什么要学习雅思考试?
    好吧, 作为我的法律课程的一部分, 有可能与伦敦大学伦敦分校进行为期6个月的交流计划.因此, 我真的很想借此机会开阔眼界.但是, 这意味着我需要获得6.5的雅思成绩.因此, 我真的一直在努力学习以确保自己的位置, 因为我绝对想体验伦敦, 因为伦敦显然是世界上最好的城市之一.


  • 如果听不清:
    说: 对不起, 我没听懂.请您再说一遍吗?

  • 如果您听不懂单词/表达:
    说: 对不起, 我以前没有遇到过这个表达方式/单词.您能解释一下这是什么意思吗?

  • 如果您不确定问题的性质, 并且想澄清一下考官的想法:
    说: 你的意思是…….?当你说….你在问…吗?

English Version

This is the first of three articles about the IELTS speaking Exam. You can find tips here for IELTS Part 1: The Interview. Look out for more posts coming soon about Parts 2 & 3 of the Speaking section. Firstly, there are some basic things to consider whenever you are thinking about IELTS speaking practice.

  • Speak as much as possible - You’ve got 12 minutes to show how good your speaking is.
  • Don’t pre-learn your answers - These sound rehearsed and examiners will notice this and move on to a different topic.
  • Avoid yes/no answers – Always include details to fill out your answer.
  • Correct yourself if you make a mistake – This is what native speakers do and you won’t lose marks for it.
  • Make sure your intonation is not flat - English speakers have melody in their intonation. If the way you speak sounds flat, you will sound bored - the examiner might think that you are not interested or don’t care!

IELTS Speaking Exam Summary - PART 1: Introduction & Interview

Time: About 4 minutes Possible Subjects: ‘Getting-to-know-you’, family, where you come from and interests

Example Questions and Answers:

  • Where do you come from?
    Originally, I come from a really small village in southern Spain called, Benalup. Most people there work on the surrounding farms or in the construction industry and there’s a good sense of community – everybody knows everbody else. But, anyway, now I live in Cadiz, which is the nearest big city. I live there because I’m studying Law at university and it’s perfect because it’s far away enough from home, but also close enough to go back home if I want a good meal or some clothes washing done!

  • What do you like doing in your free-time?
    I wouldn’t say that I’ve got any specific hobbies, but I like meeting my friends, of course and gossiping about things going on at Uni. We usually go out for a coffee or something small to eat after lectures, but at the weekend we meet up at someone’s flat and get ready to go out and then spend the whole night drinking and dancing and all that kind of stuff. It’s really good to stay out until the sun comes up and then go and have hot churros for breakfast together.

  • Why are you studying IELTS?
    Well, as part of of my Law course there is the possibility to go on an exchange program with UCL in London for 6 months. So, I really want to use that opportunity to broaden my horizons. But, it means that I need to get a 6.5 IELTS score. So, I’ve really been studying hard to try and secure my place, because I definitely want to experience London, as it’s obviously one of the best cities in the world.


  • If you didn’t hear properly:
    SAY: Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat the question, please?

  • If you don’t understand a word/expression:
    SAY: Sorry, I haven’t come across that expression/word before. Could you explain what it means, please?

  • If you’re not sure about the nature of the question, and you want to clarify what you THINK the examiner asked:
    SAY: Do you mean….?When you say…. are you asking about….?

来源(Source): https://www.stgeorges.co.uk/blog/ielts-speaking-tips-introduction-interview